Kurayami Shîntaro
Aber nur im Kino!
Aber nur im Kino!
vor 3 Wochen 44
*At the world Sciencelab*
-We have finally discovered a way to turn a sphere inside out!!!
-wow! really? how!
-well, if it was made of this material that dosent exist and never will, we could turn it in this complicated way that would turn it inside out! AND IT ONLY COST THE TAX PAYERS 643 BILLION POUNDS!
-THAT AWE... wait a second.. if it was made of a non-existing material? and you spent that amount of money finding out this hugely unnecessary fact?
-... I fucking hate you Tom
4Ich hatte gerade einen kleinen Energydrink als Mittagessen. Zum Frühstück einen Kaffee und heute Abend gibts den Karottensalat. Sehr ausgewogene Ernährung